

Amazone Gold N.V. prepares its financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

The annual reports of Amazone Gold N.V. are audited in Paramaribo by Crowe Burgos Accountants N.V. and in their opinion give a true and fair view of the size and composition of the assets of Amazone Gold N.V.

Our annual financial statement consist of:

  1. The balance sheet as at 31 December of the relevant year;
  2. The profit and loss account and the statement of cash flows for the relevant year;
  3. The notes with an overview of the accounting policies used and other disclosures.

Since 2021, Amazone Gold N.V. also publishes a Compliance report through its annual accounts.

The annual report is sent to the Central Bank of Suriname and Foreign Exchange Commission before June 30th of the following year.
These can also be made available to stakeholders.


As a gold trader, Amazone Gold N.V. is categorized as a Non-Financial Service Provider based on the Working Model Act for the Identification of Service Providers Act (WID), and is therefore responsible for establishing an Anti-Money Laundering Policy.

Subsequently, and because of its international operation as a gold exporter, Amazone Gold N.V. is also subject to strict compliance conditions emanating from the financial world both at home and abroad and from its international partners located in Europe and the United Arab Emirates; These include conditions based on guidelines from the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA).

As a result of the above, Amazone Gold N.V. has started to constitute its Compliance structures since 2020, and has engaged in the following important activities for the period 2020 – 2021:

Disclaimer: This document is derived from the Advisory report of Crowe Burgos Accountants N.V.

The full report can be shared upon request.